Enter, stranger!

LATEST NEWS: 18th February 2023

After years of difficulties with finding a dependable ‘harbour’ for our recordings, including repeated attacks by copyright trolls, we are now in the process of converting all the recordings into videos (not animated) and uploading them to our new YouTube channel. We hope this process will be completed within the week.

WELCOME to the home of the Dunshelm Players. Previously known as the KM-RAmDram team, we are a drama/storytelling group dedicated to reviving the profile of Knightmare, a classic TV gameshow created by Tim Child in the 1980’s.

Knightmare was interactive fiction played out on television; a computer game in a chromakey studio, with the part of the game avatar being taken up by the image of a human contestant superimposed on the chambers of a computer-generated dungeon, a dark, deadly realm of magic and monsters. The series attracted audiences in excess of five million at its height.

The Dunshelm Players team was formed in 2005, then going by the rather clumsy title of KM-RAmDram (short for Knightmare Radio Amateur Dramatics), with the purpose of creating audio-based and prose-based media in tribute to the series. Their first project, a drama play titled Famous For Retreating, was published in the late Autumn of 2006.

Since then, the team has released a variety of projects, including dramas, comedies, and written work, all free-to-download from this website, and more are in development even as you read this.

Please sample what’s available; any constructive feedback, positive or negative, can be posted through this site, on our facebook page, or by sending an e-mail, and will be gratefully accepted and considered.

Let’s keep time turning, and the fire burning…